Messages 2016
Click on the sermon title to access an audio recording. Click on "Sermon Notes" to access a pdf file.
Additional instructions for accessing resources are listed at the bottom of this webpage.
Click on the sermon title to access an audio recording. Click on "Sermon Notes" to access a pdf file.
Additional instructions for accessing resources are listed at the bottom of this webpage.
Topical Messages
November & December 2016
Celebrating the Christ of Christmas
Christmas Message #3/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:14-18 * Sermon Notes * 12-25-16
The True Light is Shining
Christmas Message #2/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:6-13* Sermon Notes * 12-18-16
Jesus Christ - the Word, the Life & the Light
Christmas Message #1/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:1-5 * Sermon Notes * 12-11-16
The Glory of the LORD & the Salvation of the Christ-Child
Topical Message * Isaiah 9:1-7 * Sermon Notes * 12-04-16
Assurance of Salvation
Topical Message * by Elder Mike Haltom * 11-27-16
November & December 2016
Celebrating the Christ of Christmas
Christmas Message #3/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:14-18 * Sermon Notes * 12-25-16
The True Light is Shining
Christmas Message #2/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:6-13* Sermon Notes * 12-18-16
Jesus Christ - the Word, the Life & the Light
Christmas Message #1/3 (from John 1:1-18) * John 1:1-5 * Sermon Notes * 12-11-16
The Glory of the LORD & the Salvation of the Christ-Child
Topical Message * Isaiah 9:1-7 * Sermon Notes * 12-04-16
Assurance of Salvation
Topical Message * by Elder Mike Haltom * 11-27-16
The Book of 2 Peter
October & November 2016
Living Faithfully as the Beloved People of God
Message #5/5 * 2 Peter 3:14-18 * Sermon Notes * 11-20-16
Christian Living, Scoffers & the Second Coming of Christ
Message #4/5 * 2 Peter 3:1-13 * Sermon Notes * 11-13-16
Guarding against False Teachers & Living Godly Lives
Message #3/5 * 2 Peter 2:1-22 * Sermon Notes * 11-06-16
Biblical Reminders, Christ's Majesty & the Prophetic-Word
Message #2/5 * 2 Peter 1:12-21 * Sermon Notes * 10-30-16
The Grace & Knowledge of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ
Message #1/5 * 2 Peter 1:1-11 * Audio recording not available * Sermon Notes * 10-23-16
October & November 2016
Living Faithfully as the Beloved People of God
Message #5/5 * 2 Peter 3:14-18 * Sermon Notes * 11-20-16
Christian Living, Scoffers & the Second Coming of Christ
Message #4/5 * 2 Peter 3:1-13 * Sermon Notes * 11-13-16
Guarding against False Teachers & Living Godly Lives
Message #3/5 * 2 Peter 2:1-22 * Sermon Notes * 11-06-16
Biblical Reminders, Christ's Majesty & the Prophetic-Word
Message #2/5 * 2 Peter 1:12-21 * Sermon Notes * 10-30-16
The Grace & Knowledge of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ
Message #1/5 * 2 Peter 1:1-11 * Audio recording not available * Sermon Notes * 10-23-16
Topical Messages
October 2016
The Gospel of the Kingdom: and the 2016 Election
The Gospel & Politics * Matthew 24:1-14 * Sermon Notes * 10-16-16
The Lord's Supper
by Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 10-09-16
Some Parables by Jesus
Topical Sermon Series * September - October 2016
God's Son & Loving Our Neighbor
Message #3 * Luke 10:25-37 * Sermon Notes * 10-02-16
God's Word & Bearing Godly Fruit
Message #2 * Mark 4:1-20 * Sermon Notes * 09-25-16
God's Grace & Serving the Lord
Message #1 * Matthew 20:1-16 * Sermon Notes * 09-18-16
God & Country - Kingdom & Cross
Topical Message: Faith, Culture & Government * 1 Peter 2:13-17 * Sermon Notes * 09-11-16
Some Questions Jesus Asked
Topical Sermon Series * August-September 2016
"Do You Love Me?" - Jesus Christ
Message #4/4 * John 21:15-25 * Sermon Notes * 09-04-16
"When the Son of Man Comes will He find Faith on Earth?"
Message #3/4 * Luke 18:1-8 * Sermon Notes * 08-28-16
Is Gaining the World worth Losing Your Soul?
Message #2/4 * Mark 8:34-38 * Sermon Notes * 08-21-16
What do You Want Jesus to do for You?
Message #1/4 * Matthew 20:29-34 * Sermon Notes * 08-14-16
October 2016
The Gospel of the Kingdom: and the 2016 Election
The Gospel & Politics * Matthew 24:1-14 * Sermon Notes * 10-16-16
The Lord's Supper
by Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 10-09-16
Some Parables by Jesus
Topical Sermon Series * September - October 2016
God's Son & Loving Our Neighbor
Message #3 * Luke 10:25-37 * Sermon Notes * 10-02-16
God's Word & Bearing Godly Fruit
Message #2 * Mark 4:1-20 * Sermon Notes * 09-25-16
God's Grace & Serving the Lord
Message #1 * Matthew 20:1-16 * Sermon Notes * 09-18-16
God & Country - Kingdom & Cross
Topical Message: Faith, Culture & Government * 1 Peter 2:13-17 * Sermon Notes * 09-11-16
Some Questions Jesus Asked
Topical Sermon Series * August-September 2016
"Do You Love Me?" - Jesus Christ
Message #4/4 * John 21:15-25 * Sermon Notes * 09-04-16
"When the Son of Man Comes will He find Faith on Earth?"
Message #3/4 * Luke 18:1-8 * Sermon Notes * 08-28-16
Is Gaining the World worth Losing Your Soul?
Message #2/4 * Mark 8:34-38 * Sermon Notes * 08-21-16
What do You Want Jesus to do for You?
Message #1/4 * Matthew 20:29-34 * Sermon Notes * 08-14-16
Topical Messages
May to August 2016
Topical Message about the Church
Ephesians 3:7-14 * by Missionary Jared Anderson * 08-07-16
Anger & Anxiety
Ephesians 4:26-32 * by Elder Clarence Williams * 07-31-16
Topical Message on Habakkuk
Habakkuk * by Elder Kurt Anderson * 07-24-16
1 John 3:11-24
by Elder Mike Haltom * Audio recording not available * 07-17-16
1 John 2:26 - 3:12
by Elder Mike Haltom * 07-10-16
Topical Message
by Elder Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 07-03-16
Topical Message
06-26-16 * Audio recording not available * by Elder Clarence Williams
Politics & Power - Tolerance & Truth
Topic #4: Politics & Tolerance * John 18:26-40 * Sermon Notes * 06-19-16
Topical Message
06-12-16 * by Missionary Jim Larson
Forgiving One Another
Topic #3: Bitterness & Forgiveness * Ephesians 4:31 - 5:2 * Sermon Notes * 06-05-16
Living a Fulfilled Life for God's Glory
Topic #2: Self-esteem (Self-image, Self worth) * 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 * Sermon Notes * 05-29-16
To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain
Topic #1: Life, Tragedy & Death * Philippians 1:21 * Sermon Notes * 05-22-16
The Christian Sign (Symbol) of Love
by Elder Mike Haltom * John 13:34-35 * Audio recording not available * 05-15-16
Topical Message
by Elder Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 05-08-16
May to August 2016
Topical Message about the Church
Ephesians 3:7-14 * by Missionary Jared Anderson * 08-07-16
Anger & Anxiety
Ephesians 4:26-32 * by Elder Clarence Williams * 07-31-16
Topical Message on Habakkuk
Habakkuk * by Elder Kurt Anderson * 07-24-16
1 John 3:11-24
by Elder Mike Haltom * Audio recording not available * 07-17-16
1 John 2:26 - 3:12
by Elder Mike Haltom * 07-10-16
Topical Message
by Elder Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 07-03-16
Topical Message
06-26-16 * Audio recording not available * by Elder Clarence Williams
Politics & Power - Tolerance & Truth
Topic #4: Politics & Tolerance * John 18:26-40 * Sermon Notes * 06-19-16
Topical Message
06-12-16 * by Missionary Jim Larson
Forgiving One Another
Topic #3: Bitterness & Forgiveness * Ephesians 4:31 - 5:2 * Sermon Notes * 06-05-16
Living a Fulfilled Life for God's Glory
Topic #2: Self-esteem (Self-image, Self worth) * 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 * Sermon Notes * 05-29-16
To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain
Topic #1: Life, Tragedy & Death * Philippians 1:21 * Sermon Notes * 05-22-16
The Christian Sign (Symbol) of Love
by Elder Mike Haltom * John 13:34-35 * Audio recording not available * 05-15-16
Topical Message
by Elder Kurt Anderson * Audio recording not available * 05-08-16
Sound Doctrine & Godly Living
February to May 2016
Statement of Faith Sermon Notes
Click on the link above to access Sermon notes from this entire series on our Statement of Faith
You can also select "Sermon Notes" under each message to access notes for that message
The Doctrine of Eternity (Our Response to the Gospel & Eternal Destiny)
Message #10/10 * Revelation 21:1-8, 22-27 * Sermon Notes * 05-01-16
The Doctrine of Christ's Return
Message #9/10 * Revelation 19:11-16 * Sermon Notes * 04-24-16
The Doctrine of Christian Living
Message #8/10 * Titus 2:11-15 * Sermon Notes * 04-17-16
The Doctrine of the Church
Message #7/10 * Ephesians 1:22-23 * Sermon Notes * 04-10-16
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Message #6/10 * John 16:12-15 * Sermon Notes * 04-03-16
Believing in Jesus & Having Life in His Name
Easter Sunday * John 11 * Sermon Notes * 03-27-16
The Doctrine of the Work of Christ (the Cross & the Resurrection)
Message #5/10 * Romans 5:6-11 * Sermon Notes * 03-20-16
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
Message #4/10 * Colossians 1:15-23 * Sermon Notes * 03-13-16
The Doctrine of Man & Sin (the Human Condition)
Message #3/10 * Genesis 1:26-31 * Sermon Notes * 03-06-16
The Doctrine of Scripture (the Bible)
Message #2/10 * 2 Timothy 3:14-17 * Sermon Notes * 02-28-16
The Doctrine of God
Message #1/10 * Isaiah 46:8-13 * Sermon Notes * 02-21-16
The Father, the Prodigal Son & the Older Brother
by Jared Anderson * Reach Global Missionary * Luke 15:11-32 * 02-14-16
February to May 2016
Statement of Faith Sermon Notes
Click on the link above to access Sermon notes from this entire series on our Statement of Faith
You can also select "Sermon Notes" under each message to access notes for that message
The Doctrine of Eternity (Our Response to the Gospel & Eternal Destiny)
Message #10/10 * Revelation 21:1-8, 22-27 * Sermon Notes * 05-01-16
The Doctrine of Christ's Return
Message #9/10 * Revelation 19:11-16 * Sermon Notes * 04-24-16
The Doctrine of Christian Living
Message #8/10 * Titus 2:11-15 * Sermon Notes * 04-17-16
The Doctrine of the Church
Message #7/10 * Ephesians 1:22-23 * Sermon Notes * 04-10-16
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Message #6/10 * John 16:12-15 * Sermon Notes * 04-03-16
Believing in Jesus & Having Life in His Name
Easter Sunday * John 11 * Sermon Notes * 03-27-16
The Doctrine of the Work of Christ (the Cross & the Resurrection)
Message #5/10 * Romans 5:6-11 * Sermon Notes * 03-20-16
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
Message #4/10 * Colossians 1:15-23 * Sermon Notes * 03-13-16
The Doctrine of Man & Sin (the Human Condition)
Message #3/10 * Genesis 1:26-31 * Sermon Notes * 03-06-16
The Doctrine of Scripture (the Bible)
Message #2/10 * 2 Timothy 3:14-17 * Sermon Notes * 02-28-16
The Doctrine of God
Message #1/10 * Isaiah 46:8-13 * Sermon Notes * 02-21-16
The Father, the Prodigal Son & the Older Brother
by Jared Anderson * Reach Global Missionary * Luke 15:11-32 * 02-14-16
Gospel Ministry
January & February 2016
Knowing the Gospel & Sharing Christ (Part 2)
Gospel Ministry #5 * John 3:16 * Sermon Notes * 02-07-16
Knowing the Gospel & Sharing Christ (Part 1)
Gospel Ministry #4 * John 1:43-51 * Sermon Notes * 01-31-14
Some Biblical Principles of Evangelism
Gospel Ministry #3 * 1 Peter 2:9-10 * Sermon Notes * 01-24-16
Embracing, Obeying, & Preaching the Whole Gospel
Gospel Ministry #2 * Matthew 11:16-19 * Sermon Notes * 01-17-16
Devoted to the Gospel & Empowered by the Spirit
Gospel Ministry #1 * 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 * Sermon Notes * 01-10-16
Topic: TBA
by Elder Clarence Williams * Audio recording not available * 01-03-16
January & February 2016
Knowing the Gospel & Sharing Christ (Part 2)
Gospel Ministry #5 * John 3:16 * Sermon Notes * 02-07-16
Knowing the Gospel & Sharing Christ (Part 1)
Gospel Ministry #4 * John 1:43-51 * Sermon Notes * 01-31-14
Some Biblical Principles of Evangelism
Gospel Ministry #3 * 1 Peter 2:9-10 * Sermon Notes * 01-24-16
Embracing, Obeying, & Preaching the Whole Gospel
Gospel Ministry #2 * Matthew 11:16-19 * Sermon Notes * 01-17-16
Devoted to the Gospel & Empowered by the Spirit
Gospel Ministry #1 * 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 * Sermon Notes * 01-10-16
Topic: TBA
by Elder Clarence Williams * Audio recording not available * 01-03-16
To access sermon notes as pdf files, click on the "Sermon Notes" link below the sermon title.
To listen to a message, click on the sermon title & the message will begin playing.
To download a message (mp3), right click (or hold down) on the title & select "Save Link As"
(or "Save Target As") and then select "Save" and the message should begin downloading.
Additional Help: 1) To print sermon notes correctly, you might have to select "Landscape" in printer settings before printing or download the sermon notes first & then print. 2) Downloading a sermon as an mp3 file should work in Chrome, Firefox or Explorer, but it may not work in the Edge browser (if this option doesn't work in one browser try another one). 3) To right click using touch screen hold down on the title until the options pop up.
To access sermon notes as pdf files, click on the "Sermon Notes" link below the sermon title.
To listen to a message, click on the sermon title & the message will begin playing.
To download a message (mp3), right click (or hold down) on the title & select "Save Link As"
(or "Save Target As") and then select "Save" and the message should begin downloading.
Additional Help: 1) To print sermon notes correctly, you might have to select "Landscape" in printer settings before printing or download the sermon notes first & then print. 2) Downloading a sermon as an mp3 file should work in Chrome, Firefox or Explorer, but it may not work in the Edge browser (if this option doesn't work in one browser try another one). 3) To right click using touch screen hold down on the title until the options pop up.